NUEVO CICLO - Blues & Rock en QUILMES - Essenhaus - Entre Rios 281, 23hs.

NUEVO CICLO - Blues & Rock en QUILMES - Essenhaus - Entre Rios 281, 23hs.

sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

MATÍAS CIPILIANO & LA DYNAMO - 10 de Junio - 23hs - Teatro del Viejo Mercado, Lavalle 3177

Matías Cipiliano & La Dynamo:

Matías Cipiliano tiene una trayectoria como guitarrista de más de una década, se ha destacado su participación en diversas formaciones. A lo largo de todos estos años a demás de ser guitarrista estable del Samovar de Rasputín (desde 1999), acompañó a una gran cantidad de renombrados artistas en proyectos de lo más diversos, a saber: Pappo, Moris, Jorge Pinchevsky, Pajarito Zaguri, Alejandro Medina, Rinaldo Rafanelli (Bajista de Sui Generis),  Gabriel Carámbula, Luis Robinson (Pappo's Blues) y desde el 2004 hasta la actualidad toca junto a Ciro Fogliatta, entre muchos otros. Matías también participó del proyecto de Juanse solista (Ratones Paranoicos) en el 2005. Y es el guitarrista de la  agrupación “A7 Armónicas” desde el año 2005.
En el año 2006, editó su primer CD de su proyecto personal "Matías Cipiliano y La Dynamo Blues" y actualmente se encuentra trabajando sobre su nuevo CD.
A nivel Internacional, se destaca la participación de Matías Cipiliano junto a Rick Estrin "Little Charlie and The Nightcasts" (2007); Donny Michillo Pianista de Buddy Guy (2009); Zakiya Hooker (Argentina 2009); Carlos de Junco –Canadá-, Teatro “La Comedia” (2005); Flavio Guimaraes –Brasil-, Teatro “Empire” (2007); Mark Hummel (2008) y recientemente ha tenido un paso destacado por el 1er Festival de Blues de Verano que se realizó en La Trastienda abriendo la ultima fecha con su banda “Matías Cipiliano & La Dynamo” y acompañando a Nina Van Horn en el cierre de la 1er fecha del mismo.  Indudablemente Matías Cipiliano es unos de los guitarristas más virtuosos que se pueden ver en la actualidad.

Matias Cipiliano was born on November 27, 1976 in Montevideo, Uruguay. During his career as a guitarist he had played with different artists and bands. He had played with Moris, Jorge Pinchevsky, Pajarito Zaguri, Alejandro Medina, Pappo, and as the guitarist of  “El Samovar Rasputin” since 1999. 
He had also played alongside Rinaldo Rafanelli (Sui Generis bass) since 2000 to 2002, he had also played with Gabriel Carámbula from 2002 to 2004 and together with Ciro Fogliatta (Los Gatos) from 2004 to date. 
Matias Cipiliano had participated in Juanse´s (Ratones Paranoicos) solist project in 2005 and he has also been playing with Louis Robinson (Pappo's Blues) from 2005 to date. He is the lead guitar is the band called "A7 Armonicas " since 2005. 
In 2006 Matias released his first CD of his personal project "Matias Cipiliano y la Dynamo Blues ". Now a days he is playing with Cristina Dall (former Blacanblus) and “Viejos Lobos” (former Memphis La Blusera), and he is currently working on his new CD.
Matias has done at international level the following presentations:
  • “Festival Internacional de Armónicas A7” (Argentina) along Carlos Junco (Canada) at “La Comedia” theatre (2005)
  • “Festival Internacional de Armónicas A7” (Argentina) along Flavio Guimaraes (Brazil) at "Empire" theatre (2007)
  • He had played with Rick Estrin "Little Charlie and The Nightcasts" (2007)
  • “Festival Internacional de Armónicas A7” (Argentina) along Mark Hummel (2008)
  • He had played with Cristina Dall and “La Dynamo” in  Duke Robillard´s show in Argentina. (2008)
  • He had also performmed with Donny Michillo Buddy Guy´s pianist (2009)

Matías Cipiliano & La Dynamo
Viernes 10 de Junio - 23hs.
Entradas $50.-
en venta por PLATEANET & en la boletería del Teatro.

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*** COREY HARRIS *** BOOKING: Gondwana Producciones SRL.

*** COREY HARRIS ***  BOOKING: Gondwana Producciones SRL.


Corey Harris ha llevado la vida de un explorador musical, viajando y escuchando música por todo el mundo. El ha tocado en muchos de los lugares y festivales más reconocidos del mundo, incluyendo el Festival de jazz de Montreux, en el Royal Albert Hall de Londres, en el Lincoln Center de Nueva York, en el Centro Kennedy de Washington D.C., en el Ryman Auditórium de Nashville, en el Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival de Tennessee, entre muchos otros. Como la estrella del segmento de Martín Scorsese de la serie de PBS, The Blues, Corey viajó a Malí para tocar con Ali Farka Toure, un viaje que repitió para su álbum de grabaciones de campo llamado de Mississippi a Malí, en el que exploró las conexiones entre el blues y la música africana.

Nacido en 1969 en Denver, Colorado, Corey Harris hizo dos viajes prolongados a Camerún después de graduarse de la Universidad. El retornó a Estados Unidos desde África occidental decidido a hacer su camino como músico, mientras enseñó francés en una escuela rural secundaria de Louisiana. Entre 1995 y 2005, Corey lanzó una serie de álbumes aclamados por la crítica que posicionaron a este “jovén león” firmemente como al artista de blues y roots más versátil de su tiempo. El ha hecho giras en Guinea y Malí, África occidental, así como América del Sur, el Caribe, Europa, Japón, Nueva Zelanda y Australia. Más recientemente, Corey ha lanzado Zion Crossroads (Telarc, 2007), una celebración del roots reggae, Ras Tafari, Etiopía y del continente africano.

In 2007 The MacArthur Foundation named Corey one of only 24 recipients worldwide of their genius award. Since then, Corey has continued to tour internationally. In the summer of 2009 Corey performed at both the Calgary and Vancouver folk festivals in a solo acoustic format, evoking the missing link between Africa and the African diaspora with his powerful blend of original and traditional repertoire. As a bandleader he has toured widely with his critically acclaimed band, the 5x5, an electric vision that has come to be known as the Rasta Blues Experience. With revolutionary lyrics and danceable grooves Corey has redefined the roots music concept, embracing it in all its forms. His latest album,, will be released in September on the Telarc label. Produced by Chris "Peanut' Whitley (Stable Roots Productions), this is the most powerful mix of cutting edge roots music heard today. is already receiving rave reviews based on sneak previews of his title tracks.

En 2007, la Fundación MacArthur le dio a Corey uno de los 24 premios “genius award”. Desde entonces, Corey ha estado de gira por todo el mundo. En el verano de 2009 Corey actuó en los Festivales de Folk de Calgary y de Vancouver en un formato acústico como solo, evocando el eslabón perdido entre África y la diáspora africana con su potente mezcla de repertorio original y tradicional. Como líder de la banda “5 x 5”, aclamada por la crítica, ha hecho numerosas giras. La banda ha llegado a ser conocida como la “Rasta Blues Experience”. Con letras revolucionarios y grooves bailables, Corey ha redefinido el concepto de la música de raíces –“roots music”-, comprendiéndolo en todas sus formas. Su último álbum,, fue lanzado en septiembre por el sello Telarc. Producido por Chris "Peanut' Whitley (Stable Roots Productions), esta es la más poderosa mezcla de la música de raíces que se escuchan hoy.

"El CD esta lleno de mensajes y letras conscientes que apasionan al amante de la verdadera música reggae/ “roots” y “culture music”. Realmente es una celebración de este sobresaliente viaje que llamamos vida.” -Caribe noticias acerca de Zion Crossroads.


Corey Harris has led the life of a musical explorer, traveling and listening all over the world. He’s performed at many of the world’s most well-known venues, including the Montreux Jazz Festival, London’s Royal Albert Hall, New York’s Lincoln Center, Washington, D.C.’s Kennedy Center, Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium and Tennessee’s Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival. As the star of Martin Scorsese’s segment of the PBS series, The Blues, Corey traveled to Mali to play with Ali Farka Toure, a voyage he repeated for his album of field recordings called Mississippi to Mali, in which he explored the connections between African music and the blues.

Born in Denver, Colorado in 1969, Corey Harris made two extended trips to Cameroon after graduating from college. He came home from West Africa determined to make his way as a musician, while he taught French at a rural Louisiana middle school. In the decade between 1995 and 2005, Corey released a string of critically acclaimed albums which firmly established this young lion as the most versatile blues and roots artist of his time. He has toured in Guinea and Mali, West Africa, as well as South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. Most recently, Corey has released Zion Crossroads (Telarc, 2007), a celebration of roots reggae, Ras Tafari, Ethiopia, and the African continent.

In 2007 The MacArthur Foundation named Corey one of only 24 recipients worldwide of their genius award. Since then, Corey has continued to tour internationally. In the summer of 2009 Corey performed at both the Calgary and Vancouver folk festivals in a solo acoustic format, evoking the missing link between Africa and the African diaspora with his powerful blend of original and traditional repertoire. As a bandleader he has toured widely with his critically acclaimed band, the 5x5, an electric vision that has come to be known as the Rasta Blues Experience. With revolutionary lyrics and danceable grooves Corey has redefined the roots music concept, embracing it in all its forms. His latest album,, will be released in September on the Telarc label. Produced by Chris "Peanut' Whitley (Stable Roots Productions), this is the most powerful mix of cutting edge roots music heard today. is already receiving rave reviews based on sneak previews of his title tracks.

“The CD is laced with messages and conscious lyrics that would thrill a lover of true reggae/roots and culture music. It’s really a celebration of the ‘overstanding’ of this journey we call life.” -Carib News about Zion Crossroads
